What's New at Kimberbell: December 2023

December is drawing to a close. . .and so is 2023. (It's amazing how fast the year has flown!) Here's a recap of Kimberbell's busy holiday month (in alphabetical order).
Blog Posts
If you're reading this, you're probably all caught up with the Kimberbella blog. 😀 But here's a quick recap of our December posts, just in case. (Click the link to read the article!)
- New Vault Release! M.E. by Number: Mug
- 10 Easy Holiday Gifts to Make on Your Embroidery Machine
- Christmas Calories Don't Count Gingerbread
- Create a Sweet Keychain with Our What's the Buzz Embellishment Kit
- New Vault Release! Gift Card Pocket Tags
- 5 Reasons to Visit Your Quilt Shop
- Stabilizer Spotlight: Sticky-Back Tear-Away
- New Vault Release! Heart-Felt Friends
- Chillin' With My Snowmies Cheese Ball
- Attend Kimberbell's Easter Tier Tray Event
- Looking Forward to Digital Dealer Exclusives in 2024
I hope you find these posts both enjoyable and educational. Please be sure to give suggestions if there's a subject you'd like me to cover! (Just comment below.)
Demo December
I hope you've enjoyed our Demo December program this month with your quilt shop! Here's another look at the Poinsettia Jar Topper design, which will be sold as a digital download next month on Kimberbell.com.
It's been so much fun to see what Kimberbell fans have been doing with jar toppers this holiday season. Be sure to share what you create on our Kimberbellas (and Fellas, Too!) Facebook group!
Digital Dealer Exclusives
Our Digital Dealer Exclusives project for December was this darling Christmas House Gift Box. Perfect for small gifts and treats, our dimensional house comes in two sizes and ties at the top with a festive ribbon!
If you're interested in making this project, it's not too late. Please contact a participating shop and they'll be happy to help you!
Digital Downloads
Just as a reminder, our Save the Date Pillow Panels collection is now available as a digital download on Kimberbell.com. These are interchangeable panels you'll use on just ONE 18 x 18" pillow. Create 10 panels on your embroidery machine, then switch them out for each new holiday. Click HERE to purchase!
You can download each design separately OR as a whole collection. Either way, the February 14th design is always FREE! 💛
Inside the Hoop
Because of some illness and the general craziness of the season, there was only one episode of Inside the Hoop in December. Normally, our live broadcast airs every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time.
This month, Kim, Deanna, and Ginger shared tips for making our Save the Date Pillow Panels, including doing background quilting and applique on your embroidery machine. Watch that episode HERE!
We're looking forward to seeing you Inside the Hoop this coming month!
Machine Embroidery with Kimberbell Podcast
Have you discovered our podcast yet? I've been talking about it for awhile! You can hear Machine Embroidery with Kimberbell (free) on streaming services like Google, Podbean, Spotify, Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Podcast, and more . . .
Our podcast feels like Kim and friends are just right there with you, wherever you are. Give it a try!
New Products
This month, we released our Cranberry Star Paper Tape Dispenser. (I know a lot of you like to collect these!) Designed especially for Kimberbell Paper Tape, our darling dispenser is a must-have for your sewing room.
You can find our Cranberry Star Paper Tape Dispenser wherever Kimberbell products are sold. Oh, and by the way . . .we also released our beautiful Spring/Summer Embroidery Felt Pack. Check it out! 😊
Vault Releases
We added more classic designs to the Kimberbell Vault this month, too, including Gift Card Pocket Tags and Heart-Felt Friends. Both of these collections are perfect for gifting all year 'round.
Though the retro instructions of Vault products look different than our directions today, they still work beautifully and it's fun to access popular projects that are no longer sold in shops.
Visit the Kimberbell Vault HERE!
What's New Wednesday
For Kimberbell fans, What's New Wednesday is something to look forward to every week. Join Kim live from her sewing room every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. MT to learn what's new, ask questions, enter our epic giveaways, and see what Kimberbell fans are creating during our "Sew & Tell With Kimberbell" segment!
This month on What's New Wednesday, Kim introduced Save the Date Pillow Panels, Kimberbell's "I Made This For You" video, and the Easter Tier Tray event.
She also explained the color system for Kimberbell Background Quilting and became "Kimber Claus" for some pretty epic giveaways! Click the links below to catch each fun-filled episode.
Links to December 2023 Episodes
- Watch our December 6th episode HERE.
- Watch our December 13th episode HERE.
- Watch our December 20th episode HERE.
Well, friends, that was our December in a nutshell! Thanks so much for your support this past month. We can't wait to Experience the Joy of Creativity® with you in 2024. (Wow . . .it's coming up fast!)
Until then, I'll leave you with December's Stabilizer Pro Tip of the month:
Happy New Year to each one of you! 🎉