Do You Have a New Embroidery Machine? Here Are Tips for Getting Started!


Did you just get a new embroidery machine? If so . .. congratulations! We can't wait for you to Experience the Joy of Creativity® with your new hobby. 

If you're feeling excited (and maybe just a little overwhelmed), here are some helpful Kimberbell tips for getting started!


What Supplies Do I Need?

Some of the supplies you'll need for machine embroidery include stabilizer, thread, needles, fabric, and basic tools. Let's explore each of these one at a time! 



Stabilizer is a VERY NECESSARY part of machine embroidery. But if you're new, you're probably thinking it all looks like the same "white stuff" and how in the world do you know what to choose? 

You'll choose the stabilizer based on the project you're doing, as different stabilizers have different (and very specific) uses. 

Let's look at stabilizer through the lens of baking. Flour and sugar are "white stuff," too, but they serve very different purposes! In the same way, there are stabilizers that should always be in your embroidery "pantry."


Click HERE to see our five must-have machine embroidery stabilizers. If you have these five basics, you should be set for just about any project (at least for now).

Also, here's our YouTube playlist about stabilizers. We've got some really good information there as well! Kimberbell instructions also include exactly what stabilizer you need for every project. No need to guess.


Thread is obviously another key component of machine embroidery. There are so many brands of machine embroidery thread, though, so how do you know what to choose?

Maybe start by going to the place you purchased your machine from. There's most likely a brand your shop knows will work well on your machine. (You might even check your machine manual for suggestions!) 


When choosing thread, consider what you're stitching. A general rule of thumb is to choose a 40-weight thread for your top thread and a bobbin thread that's either a 60 or 90 weight.

Speaking of which, you might want to grab a box of prewound bobbins in white and black colors. For more information about thread types, tips, and preventing thread breaks,  please click HERE! 


It's a good idea to stock up on several packs of needles, too. The most commonly used needle size for machine embroidery is the 75/11 needle, which is often the size that comes with an embroidery machine.

At Kimberbell, we use a 75/11 embroidery needle 80% of the time. Other common needle sizes for machine embroidery include 80/12 and 90/14. Change your needle after every eight hours of embroidery! 

For more information about needles, including sizes, tips, and even needle anatomy, please click HERE!


Every machine embroiderer needs a few essential tools at the ready.

We suggest starting with some basic sewing tools such as mats, rotary cutters, pins, and scissors, then branching out to items that are more specific to machine embroidery like a good pair of applique scissors. 

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Tip: If your machine came with a plastic template grid, do not throw it away! This is a very useful tool for centering designs and also comes in handy when using Clear Blue Tiles.®

For more information, please read my Top 5 Tools for Machine Embroidery post HERE! 


Of course, you'll also want to build a good fabric stash, a little at a time. Not only will you stitch embroidery designs on fabric, but you'll also use fabric scraps for applique as well! 


Plus, it's just plain fun to shop for fabric, right? 😊


Where Do I Find Designs?

Anyone new to machine embroidery wonders where they'll find good designs to stitch. (There are lots of places!) But don't let that overwhelm you.

There are also lots of places to buys shoes, and you've figured that out. 

Let's start with the designs already on your machine. You most likely already have designs loaded into the system, including alphabets or other basic designs. That's great!  Give them a try to test the waters.

However . . .

It won't be long before you'll want to branch out, collect some really wonderful designs, and use your machine to its full capacity.  (You can do SEW much more than monogramming, my friends!) 

So, where do you get embroidery designs? Two main places: your favorite quilt shop and online. If you're a newbie, I'd recommend starting with the business you got your machine from. 


Your quilt shop knows your machine and together you can figure out what kind of projects you'd like to start with. The staff can show you samples, recommend specific projects, and help you get what you need!

Once you have some experience and know your machine better, there are plenty of online vendors who sell embroidery designs. You can purchase and download individual designs or entire collections!

On we have a whole bunch of downloadable designs for you to enjoy. We also have other designs you can order online and we'll send them right to you! 

For example, you might want to try a Kimberbell project kit such as this Squeeze the Day kit. So much fun. 

A subscription through Me Time is another great way to access highly creative projects. If you're new to machine embroidery, maybe take a look at getting a Hoop Studio or Collectible Christmas subscription!


How Do I Care For My Machine?

Your home embroidery machine isn't just a tool, it's an investment! And just like you thoughtfully care for your house and car, you'll want to take good care of your machine so you can enjoy it for many years to come.

So here's my first tip: a dirty machine is a machine that won't run well. Your machine is going to collect A LOT of lint, and that lint needs to be cleaned out oftenat least once a week. 

Don't be afraid of taking off the needle plate, taking the bobbin case out, and cleaning out the area where the bobbin case sits. Use a cotton swab and twirl it around to collect the lint!

Machine 16

Cleaning out the lint is a little practice that can yield BIG results. (Most of the problems seen in shops are caused by dirty, lint-filled machines.)

However, embroiderers know that there's only so much they can do at home. Your machine will need professional maintenance from time to time. But how do you know when?  Here's a rule of thumb:

If you're using your machine more than 15 hours per week, take it into the shop to be cleaned and oiled twice a year. If you use your machine under 12 hours per week, once a year should be just fine!


How Do I Learn More?

There are so many ways to learn about machine embroidery, from YouTube tutorials to events and more!

If you're thinking of taking a class, that's a very good idea. You'll learn from your teacher. You'll learn from the helpful staff. You'll learn from your classmates. You'll learn from hands-on experience. Classes are fun. 😊

So, where do you find a class? Your quilt shop most likely offers a variety of classes and may even have a machine embroidery club you can join! For example, ask your shop about Digital Dealer Exclusives


Don't live near a quilt shop? That's okay! A lot of quilt shops offer virtual classes, so it really doesn't matter where you live. If you have the internet, you can find a class and attend from the comfort of your home.

I also highly recommend joining the Machine Embroidery by Kimberbell  Facebook group. The members are so helpful! (Note: This group used to be called Kimberbellas and Fellas, Too. It just has a new name.)

And if you get the chance, sign up for a Kimberbell event (either in person or virtually). You can find certified shops hosting events HERE! An event is a wonderful place to learn new techniques and have a lot of fun. 


I hope these tips are helpful as you embark on your new hobby! For additional tips, please click HERE.

And again, please join us on the Machine Embroidery by Kimberbell Facebook group for the kind of help, support, and encouragement only machine embroiderers can give.

Happy stitching! 



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