National Teddy Bear Day, the Kimberbear, and YOU

Today is National Teddy Bear Day, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than by thanking EVERYONE who has downloaded, stitched, and donated Kimberbears this year!

KimberbearBut…where to start? So many of you, with giving hearts and willing hands, have made Kimberbears for children’s hospitals, emergency shelters, fire houses, police stations, and individual children in need. We have been so touched as you’ve shared your #kimberbearstory on social media! How I wish we could publicly recognize and thank each one of you by name. But if I try to do that, I will undoubtedly leave someone out—and I would feel terrible leaving someone out.

Even though we don’t know the names of every single person who made and donated Kimberbears (Some of you did so without posting about it!) we know who you are. You’re someone with compassion, someone who wants to use your talents and means to bring positivity to this world. You’re someone whose heart breaks at the thought of a child in crisis and you want to make a difference. You’re someone who, despite a whole lot of crazy going on right now, looks outside of yourself and makes the deliberate choice to provide comfort. You’re giving. You’re selfless. And you care deeply about others.

In other words, you are a Kimberbella (or Fella). And we are proud to know you.

From all of us here at Kimberbell, THANK YOU for embracing the Kimberbear initiative for charitable giving. If you haven't made one, it's not too late! Download the FREE Kimberbear pattern (for sewing and machine embroidery) here to get started. Our detailed instructions will guide you every step of the way. (And remember to take photos and share your #kimberbearstory!)

Whether you’ve made one bear, five bears, or even 168 bears like Janet Johnson did (Wow, Janet!), we thank you from the bottoms of our warm and fuzzy hearts. As you know, the Kimberbear isn't really about building a bear; it's about building a child.

Thank you for doing just that.

by Jenny Lyman


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