So, did you play our fun pet/owner matching game yesterday?
If not, do NOT look at the answers below but instead go HERE first!
I'm giving you a little space so you won't accidentally see the answers below.
...and here's a little more space.
And just a tad more, for good measure.
Okay, are you ready? Let's see how many you got right!
Check out the Kimberbell staff members with their adorable pets!
Drumroll, please...
Yes, I'm still stalling.
And stalling some more.
Just one more line of space.
Okay, enough of that! Without any further ado, HERE are the answers:

Well, did any of those surprise you? We'd love to hear about your favorite furry friends, if you'd care to share in the comments below! Look for Kimberbell's Playful Pet Kerchiefs soon at your favorite quilt shop!