Kimberbell Slap Band Organization Tips for Machine Embroidery Stabilizer Rolls

**NOTE: Because this information is so valuable for machine embroiderers, we are updating and republishing our Stabilizer Hoop-la series (originally posted last spring). Look for a new post every day this week and share with your stitching enthusiast friends! Enjoy!**

It's a Stabilizer Hoop-la, and we're kicking off the celebration in style. Now, I was a teenager in the 1980s, so I'm well acquainted with the whole "slap bracelet" thing. (Do you remember those?) But never did I imagine a fashion trend would become a brilliant way to organize a sewing room! Kimberbell Stabilizer Slap Bands are absolutely genius and a perfect pick for Must-Have Monday. Simply slap the beautiful, color-coded bands around your stabilizer rolls to keep them labeled, tidy, and easy to find.
Ombre Colors
Not only do the bands keep the rolls in place, but the colors perfectly match the packaging of Kimberbell Tear-Away, Cut-Away, Wash-Away, and Specialty Stabilizers. All Tear-Aways are labeled in shades of red, Cut-Aways are in orange, Wash-Aways are blue, and Specialty Stabilizers are in greens. Knowing what you're looking for and being able to (quickly!) find what you need makes shopping a whole lot easier!
Tip: Look for these symbols and colors in your Kimberbell project instructions and you'll know exactly which stabilizers you need.
In addition to the designated colors, the color gradient indicates the weight of the stabilizer: the darker the shade, the heavier the weight, and the lighter the shade, the lighter the weight. (Explore each type of stabilizer with us every day this week with Tear-Away Tuesday, Wash-Away Wednesday, Cut-Through Thursday, and Specialty Fun Friday!) Take a look at this video to imagine what Stabilizer Slap Bands will do for your sewing room organization:
Clearly Labeled
Each of the 13 silicone Slap Bands are clearly labeled with the specific type of stabilizer (e.g. Ultralight Cut-Away, Fusible Backing, Medium get the idea). It's a whole rainbow of ready-made, reusable labels at your fingertips! And speaking of "tips," here's another one:
Tip: Remember what you need by wearing Stabilizer Slap Bands on your wrist when heading to your favorite quilt shop!
Join Erin as she shops for the stabilizer she needs:
Find Kimberbell Stabilizer Slap Bands at your favorite quilt shop, and be sure to join us every day this week to learn more about the Kimberbell Stabilizer line. We're excited for you to see what the "hoop-la" is all about, and how Kimberbell Stabilizer makes all the difference in your machine embroidery results.