Attend Kimberbell's One Sweet Spring Event!


Spring Fever

Anyone looking forward to spring? Though we're still in the heart of winter around here, spring is just around the corner. And there's no better way to spend a cozy winter day than by stitching a spring project!

Especially with friends. 😊

At Kimberbell's One Sweet Spring machine embroidery event, you'll make a beautiful 18 x 22" wall hanging over the course of two days.  Participating shops are already starting to host, both in store and virtually!

Find a Shop Hosting One Sweet Spring Here!

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Now, it's important to note that because this is a larger project with a lot of detail, you may not completely finish your wall hanging while at the event. That's okay. You'll receive everything you need to finish your project at home! And, of course, your shop is always happy to help you.

The techniques and embellishments used in this project are fresh, fabulous, and so much fun! Let's take a look.

Reversible Banner

At the top of your wall hanging, you'll hang an adorable, reversible banner that says "Spring" on one side and "Easter" on the other. Each letter is stitched on pennants of soft Embroidery Felt and hung with twine and wooden clothespins.

Notice the large daisy background quilting designs behind the banner. These daisies are exclusive to the One Sweet Spring event! Quilting in-the-hoop is just one of many techniques you'll learn with this project.

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It's exciting to remember that once you have the background quilting files that come with the event, you can use them on any future project! Building your quilting library leads to a whole world of creativity.

Cork Carrots 

Take a look at these cork carrots topped with lovely loops of green ribbon.  (Yep, we dyed the cork orange!) Do we "carrot" all about realistic detail like this? Yes. Yes, we do.  

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Beautiful Baskets

Speaking of fabulous textures, we made these rustic hanging baskets with a crinkle technique and filled them with stitched wildflowers. Again, could this look any more realistic? Nope! 

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Cuddle® Bunnies & Chicks

What's better in springtime than downy bunnies and chicks? These applique designs are dreamily touchable with soft Cuddle® fabric. Add Wool Felt Balls for perky bunny tails! 

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Fabulous Flowers

Our cheerful flowers are poofily pretty with Flexi Foam petals edged with decorative stitching. Add crinkled centers with our new technique!

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Attendee Project Kit

Your One Sweet Spring Attendee Project Kit has everything you need to complete your project, including full-color instructions, embellishments, fabric kits, Paper Tape, clothespins, a darling wire hanger, and more.

Again, you'll go home with all the knowledge and products you need to finish everything up.

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Event Bonus CD: Springtime Felt Friends

One of the perks of attending a Kimberbell Event is the opportunity to earn the event’s exclusive bonus CD. Here's how it works: when you spend $100 (or more) in the Kimberbell Popup Shop at the event, you'll earn the FREE bonus CD, which you simply can’t get anywhere else. 

The Bonus CD for One Sweet Spring is Springtime Felt Friends. Take a look!

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Designs include Chick, Bunny, Carrot, Frog, Egg, and Lamb, and each comes in two sizes for 4x4 and 5x7 machine embroidery hoops. Create your Springtime Felt Friends with Embroidery Felt, Flexi Foam, Applique Glitter, and Crocheted Edge Trim, then use as ornaments, gift tags, garlands, and more!

Your Favorite Quilt Shop

So, who's ready for One Sweet Spring? (It's time to let those machine embroidery skills blossom & grow!) Here's another look:


Remember, you can either attend the event in person at a local shop OR sign up to attend a virtual event with a shop across the country. Shops are already starting to host! Don't miss the fun! 

Find a Shop Hosting One Sweet Spring Here!

We hope this event puts a little "spring" in your step this season as you Experience the Joy of Creativity™  with Kimberbell.



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