How to Prevent Fabric Puckering on Your Embroidery Machine

Fabric puckering can be a real challenge for machine embroiderers. But there are several preventative things you can do to stop puckering right in its tracks!
Meet Kari, Product Assurance Manager. Kari and her team are responsible for stitching (and testing, testing, testing) every Kimberbell design before it's released. Believe me, Kari knows a thing or two about puckering!
I asked Kari to share her favorite tips and she was more than happy to make this short video. Just click the play button, then we'll review the information below!
Isn't Kari great? She and her team do a fabulous job. Here's a recap of the information she shared, just in case you'd like to print it out for reference. 😀
#1 Fabric Prep: Starch and Fusible Backing
Always starch your fabric and use Kimberbell Fusible Backing. The only time we don't use Fusible Backing is when we're stitching over Flexi Foam OR if you're doing a decorative stitch without a lot of fill.
Other than those two exceptions, we use Fusible Backing for everything!
#2 Tape Your Fabric Well
Kimberbell Paper Tape is perfect for holding fabric in place and preventing that dreaded pucker, so tape well! (Pssst...collectible Kimberbell Paper Tape Dispensers can be found at your favorite quilt shop!)
#3 Make Sure Stabilizer is Taut
It's also important that your stabilizer is smooth and taut in the hoop. (When you tap hooped stabilizer with your finger, it should make a little drum sound!) 😊
#4 Use a Stiffer Stabilizer
When fabric puckers, try bumping your stabillizer up by one weight. For example, if you're using a Light Tear-Away, you might try using a Medium Tear-Away instead.
If you're still having issues, you can float a piece of Heavy Tear-Away under your hoop while you're stitching. (Just slide it right under!)
#5 Try a New Needle
At Kimberbell, we replace our needles after every eight hours of stitching. New needles make a big difference! If you're having trouble with puckering, try replacing your needle. (We recommend an 80/12 size.)
As a very last resort, you can try loosening your machine tension a little. (We suggest loosening the top tension by just one.) If you suspect that tension is the issue, visit your shop so they can make adjustments.
I think you'll find these tips very helpful when battling those pesky puckers. 😊 Happy stitching!