Experience the Joy of Creativity™

When I was a toddler, my parents were as poor as church mice. I’m sure my mother would have loved to dress me in name-brand clothes from posh baby boutiques, but alas, those outfits were not in the budget. So my wonderful mother did something she’d never done before: she purchased a pattern, fabric, and trim, and, using an old Singer sewing machine, made a little sunsuit (modeled in the picture by yours truly).

Jenny as a child

For such a tiny project, this was a monumental undertaking for Mom. You see, she had deep, dark, angsty feelings about sewing. (I could point the finger of blame at her junior high home economics teacher, but I’ll choose to take the high road.) Let’s just say that her previous sewing experiences were less than positive and involved a LOT of unpicking, affecting her confidence.

BUT...when my mother actually finished that sunsuit and dressed me in it for the very first time, she felt absolutely elated. She felt accomplished. She felt excited. She felt a measure of extreme satisfaction. She experienced the joy of creativity! So much joy, in fact, that this sweet memory has stayed with her for over 40 years.

Mom talks about that sunsuit often and how much pride she felt in taking raw materials and creating something that had never existed before. (Come to think of it, she did a pretty good job of taking raw materials and creating ME, but that’s another subject entirely!)

Anyway, because she tasted success, Mom kept that old Singer sewing machine busily employed on behalf of her children for decades. She sewed clothes. She sewed Christmas pajamas. She sewed Easter dresses. She sewed costumes for Halloween, dance recitals, and school plays, all sparked by one little sunsuit for one little girl. 

Here at Kimberbell, our passion is helping others experience the joy of creativity.  And the good news is that this joy lasts well beyond the final stitch! Every time you see the quilt or tea towel or Bench Pillow or sunsuit, you get to feel that lovely satisfaction all over again. After all, you’ve brightened your corner of the world by creating an item that wasn’t there before. You get to say things like, “I made that!” or, even better, “I made that for you!

It’s our hope that this blog will brighten your day, inspire you to try something new, and expand your knowledge. I invite you to get to know us  and become an even greater part of the Kimberbell family! Take a behind-the-scenes tour. Meet the staff. Try a yummy product recipe. Watch a demonstration video for valuable tips and tricks. Learn what the various Kimberbell Events are like. Get ideas, encouragement, the scoop on new products, and more!

In other words, please experience the joy of creativity with us. I’m excited to take this journey with you.

by Jenny Lyman

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