Behind the Scenes with Kimberbell Instructions (and Why They're the Best)!


Kimberbell is well known for having the best instructions in the industry. Photos, diagrams, and clear step-by-step directions carefully guide machine embroiderers to create projects they're proud of! 

I recently sat down with Jeanette, Becky, and Erika from our Product Development Team and asked them how Kimberbell instructions are made. Let me tell you, it's a labor of love from start to finish! ❤️ 

Here's the inside scoop . . .


Step One: Digitizing

Before Kimberbell instructions can be written, the embroidery design must be digitized. During this process, the digitizer writes rough (very rough!) notes on what the machine does at each step. 


At this point, the digitizer is more concerned with cut sizes than with words, but this initial information is enough for testing to begin!


Step Two: Testing the Design

Once the Testing Team has the digitized file and those initial, rough instructions, they stitch the design out to see how it works. They also take step-by-step pictures along the way! 

Product Dev

The testers give feedback to the digitizer and things are changed as needed. Once all of the details are hammered out, the design is approved by the project manager and it's time to bring the writers in!


Step Three: Technical Writing

The writers then take the rough notes and create detailed instructions. For example, the digitizer's instructions might just say the word "back," but the writer turns that to, "Turn the hoop to the back." 


The writers take the initial bulleted list of machine steps and flesh it all out with complete sentences, adding punctuation, pattern notes, and everything else to beautifully explain each step.


Step Four: Initial Editing

After the writers make everything clear, the instructions go through the first round of edits. The Editing Team and testers work together to make sure all the words make sense, the steps are there, and nothing's missing. 


In the picture above, Becky shows off the first page of her go-to editing checklist. (It's a very long document with many pages because they're checking a whole lotta things!) 😀


Step Five: Layout

After the document has been thoroughly edited, all of that copy goes to the layout people so they can make it pretty.  Erika and her team rearrange everything so the steps are understandable and easy to read.

They break chunks of text into small sections, add visual aids (like labels and scissors), and put in all of the images and diagrams so every step is easy to follow!


The Layout Team works hard to keep all of the processes together, too. For example, all of the steps of applique are kept together so it's easy for the reader to see how the whole technique comes together. 


Step Six: More Editing

After the document is clear and very pretty, it goes back to the Editing Team for two more rounds of edits. (And believe me, they edit those pages very, very thoroughly!) 

They check for grammar and punctuation, of course, but they also make sure that all of the important information is in there, the words match all of the pictures, and everything makes sense. 


The goal is that if you just read the words, you could make a successful project. Or, if you just looked at the pictures, you could make a successful project. Put those together and BOOM! Recipe for success.

But everything needs to match and all of the numbers need to be accurate. The editors check everything against the master sheet to make sure it's all perfect. 


Step Seven: Final Steps

After two rounds of these edits, the instructions go back to the digitizer for a final round of editing. (At that point, the layout specialist looks at it again, too. 👀)

If there are any extras that need to be created, such as a PowerPoint for teaching an event project, the layout specialist makes that as well. Oh, and then a second digitizer looks it all over, too! (Thorough, right?!)


All of this work, with the many edits and checkpoints, results in these beautiful, crystal-clear, unmatched-by-anyone-else instructions. 😊


The Overall Goal

Throughout this process, the digitizers, testers, writers, layout specialist, and editors have one overarching goal: could someone new to machine embroidery follow the instructions for a successful creative experience?

With that goal always at the forefront, our team works hard to make the instructions as crystal clear as possible. They debate which words to use and make sure the directions can't be misinterpreted.


Erika, the writing and layout manager, stated things beautifully when she said:

"What sets us apart is the amount of collaboration that goes into making good instructions. We work so much with the testers to make sure it's all understandable for them and we work with the editors and the writers to make sure the words are good and it all looks beautiful.

We don't just put out information; we put out an experience where the directions are beautiful, fun to look through, and help you know exactly what's going on. The colored pictures and styled photos show what the project will look like in the end, and that's so much more helpful than a bulleted list."

I think it's safe to say that all the work behind Kimberbell instructions is 100% worth it! 


Everything we do at Kimberbell, including creating our instructions, is about helping every machine embroiderer Experience the Joy of Creativity®  to the fullest.

So here's a big thank you to the teams who create Kimberbell instructions! And if you've never done a Kimberbell project before, please download a free mug rug project HERE and give those directions a try!

You won't believe the Kimberbell difference. 











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